Important information for Jess Glynne ticket holders
Jess Glynne has had to cancel her Forest Live performances
We are sorry to announce that Jess Glynne has had to cancel her concerts as part of Forest Live in Sherwood Pines Forest Park this Friday 28 June; Dalby Forest on Saturday 29 June and Cannock Chase Forest on Friday 5 July.
Unfortunately these concerts cannot be rescheduled, and therefore are cancelled.
Ticket holders for the Forest Live performances will be contacted by their point of purchase to arrange a refund.
Jess Glynne has issued the following statement:
‘It absolutely kills me to say this – especially given what has happened in the past few weeks – but on the advice of my throat surgeon, I am going to have to cancel my next shows through until July 14th and I hope to be back as soon as possible after that. I know many of my fans feel I let them down so badly when I pulled out of the Isle of Wight festival but the reason I knew I just wasn’t going to be able to make that performance has now been made clear to be by my doctor, Dr Zeitels. It is true that I went out and celebrated the end of the Spice tour. That was a massive high for me and I wanted to mark it with the women who’d become friends and mentors to me . But I had also been suffering on and off for weeks with anxiety about my voice. It wasn’t right. I wasn’t sounding my best and I felt there was something wrong. Two days ago I came to Boston to see my surgeon who told me my vocal chord has haemorrhaged and that if I wanted to remain as a performer I needed to urgently take a break, rest my voice completely for the next 10 days and try and remain in total silence to give my vocal chords a chance to recover. Basically he told me I have been completely overdoing everything. In the last six months I’ve performed almost 100 shows, I’ve pushed through at times when I know I’ve been tired and overstretched and I got to breaking point, my voice literally got to breaking point. The thing is I am my voice. If my voice goes, I go. I am so privileged to do what I do, I am so privileged to have fans out there who come and see me. But I never want to be less than 100 percent. I never want to give you less than 100 percent. I am so devastated to be letting anyone down but I want you to know the full truth of my situation so you understand why I have to do this. All I know is I have to go away, look after my voice and come back stronger, better and be the performer my fans truly deserve’.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to all our customers. We love hosting these shows and inviting so many people to enjoy the forests. Please join us in wishing Jess Glynne a speedy recovery.