In Autumn 2023 we cut down a lot of trees at Delamere Forest as part of our timber harvesting work. This was part of our Forest Management Plan and all our work is independently certified, meeting both the national and international standards of sustainable forestry. These areas will be replanted, with many of the new trees coming from the Forestry England nursery just down the road from Delamere Forest in Lobslack.
Trees have been planted, grown and felled at Delamere Forest as a source of sustainably grown timber for nearly 100 years. The trees that we cut down now were planted between 1949 and 1999 so they were fully grown and it was time to harvest the valuable timber. Forestry is a long-term commitment and our foresters plan and work over decades. Other areas of the forest were planted at different times so will be harvested at different times. This cycle will continue and means Delamere Forest is a patchwork of different habitats at different stages of the forest’s lifecycle.
There are log stacks in some areas, please do not climb on these as they can be dangerous.