Turf Hill | Tree removal

Turf Hill to re-start work in September 2023

Updated 2nd June 2023

All of our forestry activities are part of a carefully managed programme and are carried out in accordance with the required permissions.

The removal of some conifers here, is part of Forestry England’s commitment to returning parts of the area back to open habitat, which is vital for many rare plants and wildlife, and ensures wildlife has enough habitat. 

Before Christmas 2022, there was also some open habitat maintenance work nearby, special habitats need regular help to keep them in good condition and in some cases this requires removing young birch and pine trees that have self-seeded to restore the open forest area.  

Overall, this work will enhance not just the biodiversity of the New Forest, but also people’s experience of the area by creating more open sunny tracks where plants and wildlife can thrive and be seen and enjoyed by all. This does not take away from the importance of trees and Forestry England continues to plant new and replacement trees across many other areas of the nation’s forests.  


We understand the importance of considering carbon when making land use and management decisions. Retaining and increasing woodland is certainly one part of our responses to the climate and ecological crisis; the production of timber and conversion into products such as fencing or building materials also helps ensure carbon is stored, while more carbon is locked up while young trees grow.  

The next phase of heathland restoration in this area should get underway in winter 2023/24, after the ground-nesting bird season. Forestry England’s contractors will be removing tree stumps and clearing the debris in areas where the conifer trees have been felled and removed. 

The work is planned using our approved ‘Forest Plan’ and you can send your comments to southern.enquiries@forestryengland.uk.