Filming at Thetford Forest

Thetford Forest and High Lodge are inspiring locations for both photography and filming.

Visitors are welcome to take photographs without charge on the Thetford Forest estate and the grounds of the High Lodge for personal (non-commercial) or educational use.

However, we do have some guidelines for commercial photography and filming:

  • Large commercial photography projects, photo shoots and commercial filming requires a permit and possible filming fee. The permit, charges and terms and conditions for commercial photography can be obtained from the Communications Manager, via our East England Forest District office.
  • Press photographers, particularly those wishing to photograph special events and Forest Live concerts, must request permission via the Communications Manager ahead of their visit.
  • Independent photographers who are taking photographs for image banks, portfolios, small to medium scale commercial publications etc., do not need to apply for a permit. But they must pay the site parking fee to access High Lodge (or access the site using a Discovery Pass on arrival).
  • If you are looking for images to illustrate a book, magazine, or project, we maintain a media library for you to request images and copies. However, some pictures may be charged for.

For more information please contact the Communications Manager or call 0300 067 4533.

We ask that photographers respect Thetford Forest, High Lodge and the other visitors.