Westonbirt, The National Arboretum Forest Design Plan

Westonbirt, The National Arboretum Forest Design Plan

Forest Design Plans define the long term land management for a woodland or a collection of woodlands, and in this case arboretum, and set out how this land management will move towards achieving our stated vision over the next ten years.

Following consultation with stakeholders to help ensure that we continue to achieve an appropriate balance of objectives, we have completed the Forest Design Plan covering Westonbirt, The National Arboretum from 2021 to 2030.

Although there is little change outlined in this higher level document in terms of overall land management, much further detail concerning all aspects of arboretum management is covered in the many specific management plans and policies.

It is a requirement that all Forestry England woodlands are managed to the high standards needed to meet the UK Woodland Assurance Standard that in turn ensure sustainable forest management certification of the nation's forests is maintained.

The Forest Design Plan is available to download below in PDF format.

Any enquiries should be submitted by email.