Help Warren Heath

Fire engine in a fire damaged forest
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service

Wildfire destroys critical habitat

We have seen the devastating impact of wildfires across the world this summer.  Closer to home, on Sunday 25 June, firefighters from across Hampshire supported by crews from the neighbouring counties of Berkshire and Surrey were called to a wildfire in Warren Heath.

Wildfire at Warren Heath

The fire tore through this important location home to a wide range of wildlife, including ground-nesting birds, butterflies, damselflies, dragonflies, snakes and lizards.  Help us restore this precious habitat by donating to our appeal.

Habitats destroyed

The fire, fuelled by weather conditions, ripped through the valley devastating 39 acres of habitat the equivalent size as 600 tennis courts.

Multiple crews and 16 fire engines fought the blaze for several days before managing to get it under control. Teams from Forestry England then worked around the clock to continue to dampen down the ground and stop hot spots relighting in the warm weather. 

Support our appeal to help us replant and restore the area.

A fire engine and hose battling a forest fire
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service
Result of forest fire

A donation of £20, or whatever you can afford, will help us to:

  • plant new trees, replacing those burnt in the fire.
  • carry out survey work; monitoring of priority insects, plants and reptile species to help us better understand the impact of the wildfire and track their recovery.
  • analyse the impact of the fire on ponds and rivers in the area to help us plan to restore them.
  • buy additional equipment to help us tackle any future fires.

Help us to restore this vital habitat

Warren Heath is a particularly special landscape for wildlife and is one of the few places in the UK where rare and endangered bird species including the Nightjar, Woodlark and Dartford Warbler come to breed. 

These birds rely on the open space, recently felled areas of Warren Heath, nesting not in trees but on the ground on the outskirts of boggy areas where it is drier. They are extremely vulnerable.

Forestry England worker looking at fire damaged habitats
damselfly on a stem
Photo credit: Freshwater Habitats Trust

A critical site for dragonflies and damselflies

Warren Heath is one of England top locations for dragonflies and damselflies with at least 22 different species seen here, including the nationally rare, Brilliant Emerald.  The network of freshwater ponds, streams and boggy areas are essential breeding grounds for these beautiful creatures. 

The fire has destroyed large parts of the habitat these special creatures need to continue to thrive. 

Help us restore these precious habitats by donating to our appeal.

Visit our Warren Heath wildfire appeal FAQs page for any questions you may have about this appeal.

The serious threat of wildfires

The fire at Warren Heath is believed to have been started by a campfire. 

The risk of wildfires in the countryside can be very high, especially when the ground is dry, creating the perfect conditions for fires to start and spread quickly. 

Every year, thousands of hectares of our nation’s forests and the wider countryside are destroyed by fires. These blazes threaten people, wildlife, forests, woodlands and trees.  Although some are started deliberately, many of them are due to carelessness. 

We urge everyone to take care all year round and help to reduce the risk of wildfire starting and taking hold.  If you see a fire call 999 and get to a place of safety.