Training for teachers at Sherwood Pines
Find out more about teaching and running educational environmental sessions
Make the most of outdoor learning
Discover the benefits of learning outdoors, how it enhances the learning experience and supports the curriculum.
You will learn how to give children a safe and enjoyable learning experience and gain ideas on how to involve your pupils with pre-visit planning through to follow up work.
You will be equipped to plan for health and safety and adapt sessions to suit your group's needs and abilities.
Forests for the future
This course considers the importance of our forests through a mix of indoor learning and outdoor practical sessions.
Discover how trees and forests help to combat climate change, how the Forestry Commission manages them as a sustainable resource and get practical and fun ideas on how to use forests as a learning resource.
For further information, charges or to book your visit, please contact the local learning team: tel 0300 067 5467 or email Lindsey.mcculloch@forestryengland.uk.