Window on Westonbirt Arboretum

What's looking good

Our Window on Westonbirt Volunteers have explored the arboretum this week to inform our visitors of the following not to be missed seasonal highlights.

Use Arboretum Explorer to help you discover more tree locations around the arboretum.

small blue scabiosa flower in green grass

Small scabious 

It's a good week to spot wild flowers at Westonbirt. They are in bloom everywhere but particularly in Silk Wood, and the blues of Small scabious (Scabiosa columbaria) and yellows of Lady's bedstraw make a stroll up Palmer Ride a joy.  

Golden Indian bean tree 

One of our favourite trees is the Golden Indian bean tree (Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea'), a variety of catalpa which was introduced into this country from the US in the 18th century.  At the moment it's large, heart-shaped leaves are a luscious golden-yellow and it will soon show clusters of speckled white flowers. It will grab your attention as you walk along Main Drive. 

large tree with pale yellow green leaves in woodland at Westonbirt Arboretum
sprays of whitish bottle-brush flowers, are the majestic sweet chestnuts.

Sweet chestnut 

You may be familiar with Sweet chestnut trees (Castanea sativa) in the countryside, but Westonbirt has some magnificent specimens and at the moment they are decked with sprays of long feathery white flowers. These trees can be seen all over the Arboretum but you can get close to the flowers of a specimen at the lower end of Willesley Drive.